This is how it all began…

The world of investor communication has changed. Although domestic private investors and institutions are well served, a large part, especially medium-sized investors are deprived of any kind of sensible service.

The importance of analyst follow-up is decreasing and at the same time, its weight has partially diminished. Many
D-I-Y (do-it-yourself) investors nowadays make their own analysis and share purchase decisions.

On the other hand, the possibilities brought by digitalization have increased. The investor is now as close as your nearest computer.

We decided to put our heads together and do something about this.

Our vision to serve our customers in the best possible way and support them in their demanding work. As we know what it's like.

Blue Berry Share is developed by the listed company's investor communication professionals. We are proud of what we can do for the success of our customers. Read our story here.

Mervi Pohjoisaho, CEO & Founder of Blue Berry Share, Certified IR professional:

“Get more done in less time. Get results. We’ll show you exactly how to do it.”