Terms of Use

Please note there is a version that apply if you use the Service as a Company.

  • If you do not have time to read the Terms of Use in their entirety, we have summarised the main terms here for your convenience.

    This is a summary only. Our Terms of Use apply for the use of our Service.

    Please carefully read the full terms and obligations (below) before using our Service and/or before signing up for the Service.

    Please note that there is another version of the Terms if you are operating in a role of a Company.

    • Platform. Blue Berry Share only works as an information platform, a technical enabler, and we provide no other kind of services.

    • Registering. Some parts of this Service are also available without registration, however, these Terms of Use apply whern using this Service with or without a registration. To use some features of the Service, you need to register a user account. You also need an Internet connection. You are responsible for your own data use to access and use the Service.

    • Contract. You agree to be bound by the Terms of Use when using, reading, or otherwise utilizing content on this Service and when signing up to the Service.

    • Features. Some features require registering and some information that are available without registering. Access to this Service is not allowed from certain geographical areas, and you are responsible for ensuring that you have the right to use the Service.

    • Payments. Some parts of the Service are offered for free and some parts against a payment. We have the right to change that in the future. The pricing is always shown on our website.

    • Availability. Sometimes we need to handle technical things or there may be technical or other types of problems when the Service is not accessible from time to time. We do our best to keep these at a minimum.

    • Other conditions for use. There are a number of restrictions on how this Service can be used. It cannot ever be utilized unlawfully, it cannot be copied, or abused and we need to act respectfully in the Service. If we notice any kind of misuse or for any other reason, we may refrain from providing you with the Service at any time.

    • Development of Service. We continuously develop the Service to provide you with the best possible experience, including adding or removing functionalities.

    • No investment advice. We do not provide any investment advice. No content or material provided on or through the Service constitutes any kind of investment advice.

    • License. We have all and every ownership of Service. No rights to the Service are transferred to you when you use the Service. You are granted a limited license to use the Service under the Terms provided in the Terms of Use. You may any time stop using the Service.

    • Copyrights. We own all copyrights for this platform. It is forbidden to copy or reproduce anything on this platform, wholly or partly.

    • Content. We only serve as the administrator of the Service. The listed company is always responsible for any kind of information it disseminates through this Service via any of its features, including compliance with all applicable rules and regulations. Also the Company is always responsible on how they operate on the platform, including the full right to refrain from providing some type of content to users. We have always a right to use any content on the Service.

    • Data Protection. Please see our Privacy Policy.

    • Changes to the Terms of Use. There can be situations where we need to amend the Terms of Use. You are responsible for checking the latest version on our website before using the Service. If there are more thorough changes, we will inform you of this in advance.

    • Liability. Our responsibilities are limited in certain ways to a specific amount and timeframe. Specifically, we are not responsible for any damages, whether they are direct or indirect, to the fullest extent permitted by law.

    • Finnish Law. We operate under Finnish law. If there are any unlikely disputes, we will primarily negotiate. If a solution is not found, then there is a Finnish general court that eventually solves the topic.  

    Please always read our full Terms of Use before using the Service.

    Thank you!

  • Welcome to use the Blue Berry Share service (hereinafter “Service”), which is offered by Blue Berry Share Oy (business ID 3282339-2); a limited liability company formed under Finnish law, having its principal office at PL 24, Tammisaari 10601, Finland (hereinafter “we” or “Blue Berry Share” or “Platform”).

    The Service is provided to connect users “you” or “Investor” or “User”) and to publicly listed companies (hereinafter “Company”). The Investors may use the Service to obtain information from Companies directly. All information herein shall be arranged and provided by the Companies. In order to be able to use the Service’s functionalities, and utilize certain materials and links shared and provided by the Companies, the Investor shall create an account (hereinafter “Account” or “Accounts”).

    These terms (hereinafter “Terms”) shall apply to the legal relationship between the Investor and the Platform when the Investor uses the Service.

    Content, “Content” is any information available on the Platform, website, mobile apps or any link or document therein.

    The Investor accepts these Investor Terms as legally binding (hereinafter “Agreement”) by accepting the Agreement when registering into the Service or by otherwise using the Service or consuming information on the Platform.

    Investor must not use the Service if it does not enter into this Agreement with the Platform.

    Hereinafter the Platform and the Investor may individually be referred to as “Party” and together as “Parties”.

  • 1.        GENERALLY

    1.1   The Platform reserves the right to change the Agreement. The changes shall take effect 14 days after the changes have been made. The Investor shall have the responsibility to review the Agreement available on this webpage from time to time in order to be aware of such changes. The latest version of this Agreement is always available on the Service. By using the Service after the changes, the Investor accepts the changes as legally binding.

    1.2   Only natural persons may use the Service as Investor. However, the Service may not be used, and the Agreement may not be accepted by Investor in the following situations:

    (a) the Investor is legally incompetent and/or

    (b) the Investor is prohibited from using the Service under any applicable law.

    1.3   By creating the Account into the Service and by using the Service, the Investor warrants that the Investor is legally qualified and entitled to enter into a binding legal relationship with the Platform in the form of the Agreement and in compliance with applicable legislation.

    1.4   The Service is not intended to provide tax, legal or investment advice, and nothing on the Service should be construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation for any security. You alone are solely responsible for conclusions made based on information provided in this Service.

    The Content is to be used for informational purposes only. The Service does not provide investment advice for any individual. Blue Berry Share, its affiliates and partners specifically disclaim any and all liability or loss arising out of any action taken in reliance on Content, including but not limited to market value or other loss on the sale or purchase of any Platform, shares, property, product, service, security, instrument, or any other matter. You understand that an investment in any security is subject to a number of risks, and that discussions of any security published on the Service will not contain a list or description of relevant risk factors.

  • 2.1 The Investor may create the Account by registering through the Service.

    2.2 When registering, the Investor must truthfully provide the information required by the Service (including comprehensive name and contact details). The accuracy of the information provided by the Investor can be reviewed by the Platform during the registration process.

    2.3 The Investor shall be solely responsible for all activities performed through the Account and for the safe use of the password, maintenance, confidentiality and all other such matters in regard to the Investor’s Account.

    2.4 If the Investor becomes aware that someone else has used the Investor’s Account, the Investor must notify us immediately of the matter through email at investorapp.bbs@gmail.com

  • 3.1 The Service is an information and communication platform designed for parties active within the financial markets either as an Investor or as a Company. Thereby the objective of the Service is to enhance and intensify the information exchange between such Parties by enabling an access to its functionalities.

    3.2 The Investor may use the Service by consuming the information and activities organized by the Companies through the Service. To be noted, some functionalities require Registration. The evaluation of professionality of the Investor, shall be defined on sole discretion of the Company.

    3.3 Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, we hereby grant the Investor a personal, revocable, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-assignable, non-transferable and limited right to use (“License”) the Service in accordance with this Agreement via a web interface on a mobile telephone, tablet, computer or other device (each, a “Device”) that the Investor owns or controls, in a manner and form offered to you by us from time to time.

    3.4 You agree not to, and shall not permit any third party to: (i) sublicense, redistribute, sell, lease, lend or rent the Service; (ii) reverse engineer, decompile, dissemble, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the platform; (iii) copy, modify, adapt, alter, improve or create derivative works of the software or any part thereof; (iv) use the Company’s name, logo or trademarks in any other context except for using the Service without our prior written consent; (v) use the Service or software to violate any applicable laws, rules or regulations, or for any unlawful, harmful, irresponsible or inappropriate purpose, or in any manner that breaches this Agreement; and/or engage in any activity that interferes with or disrupts the Service.

    3.5 Some parts of the Service are provided under third-parties’ functionalities. By using this service you agree on the Terms and Conditions of these third-party providers and their Privacy Policies. Read more on Privacy Notice.

  • 4.1 Access to some parts of the Platform is free of charge. However, some functionalities require a payment. Therefore, payment information shall be required for the accounts of the Investors, who utilize the Service’s paid functionalities.

    4.2 The Platform charges a payment from the Investor according to the payment terms in the currently prevailing price list available on these webpages (hereinafter “Price List”).

    4.3 The Price List may be updated from time to time in the sole discretion of the Platform without a prior notice.

  • 5.1 The Investor is solely responsible for the Investor’s actions in the Service. The Investor must act accordingly, lawfully and truthfully in all functionalities offered in the Service.

    5.2 The Investor is solely responsible for the Investor’s electronic devices, communication devices and other such devices and matters such as hardware condition, internet connection, antivirus, backup, and other similar issues.

    5.3 The Investor agrees to use the Service only for the purposes permitted by the Agreement and any applicable laws, regulations or generally accepted policies or guidelines in the relevant jurisdiction. Thereby, it is forbidden to use the Service for the purposes that violates any applicable law, guideline or good practice in the financial markets and/or violates the rights of the Platform or Company.

    5.4 We have the right to remove the Account if the Investor violates this Agreement, law or good practice or has not signed into the Service for 12 months or for any other reason.

    5.5 The Investor agrees not to take up any actions that disturbs or in any other way hinders the Service or its servers or networks.

    5.6 The Service may contain links to Company’s websites or third-party websites. If the Investor visits such websites, the Investor does so on its own responsibility and risk. The Service may also contain materials, attached by Company’s, of which reliability assessment shall be on the Investor’s own responsibility and risk.

    5.7 The Investor agrees not to send, transmit or store material through the Service that is in violation of good practice or any applicable law. The Investor also agrees not to incite others to engage in any such activities. Furthermore, the Investor agrees not violate anyone’s intellectual property rights through the Service.

    5.8 The Platform owns and retains all proprietary rights in the Service, and in all content, trademarks, trade names, service marks and other intellectual property rights related thereto. The Service contains the copyrighted material, trademarks, and other proprietary information of the Platform and its licensors. You agree to not, in any possible situation, copy, modify, transmit, create any derivative works from, make use of, or reproduce in any way any copyrighted material, trademarks, trade names, service marks, or other intellectual property or proprietary information accessible through the Service. You agree to not remove, obscure or otherwise alter any proprietary notices appearing on any content, including copyright, trademark and other intellectual property notices.

    5.9 You may not use Platform to transmit any material that contains adware, malware, spyware, software viruses, worms or any other computer code designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of computer software or equipment; use Platform for transmitting any unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, contests, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation or mass messaging; use Platform in violation of applicable law; use, sell, rent, transfer, license or otherwise provide anybody with Platform and/or the content available through Platform, except as provided herein; reverse engineer or decompile Blue Berry Share or access the source code thereof, or; use Platform in ways that violate intellectual property rights, business secrets or privacy of third parties.

    5.10 If the Investor does not comply with this Agreement or the Platform has justifiable reasons to suspect that the Investor does not comply with this Agreement, the Platform may terminate the Agreement with direct legal effect, delete the Account of the Investor and implement any other similar procedure.

    5.11 The Investor warrants that the Investor has read and understood Platform’s Privacy Notice and especially the data protection roles related to the Service.

  • 6.1 The Platform operates only and solely as the administrator of the Service. The Platform is not responsible for the availability, redemption, marketing or any related obligations of the functionalities or liabilities, errors, reliability, damages or any other matters related to the any functionality of this Service. The Platform is not responsible for the use, obstruction or content, nor for the actions of the Investors or Companies, or for the other activities of the Investor or Company while using the Service.

    6.2 Under no circumstances shall the Platform be liable for accidents, damages or crimes related to the Service. Under no circumstances shall the Platform be liable for any direct or indirect damages in any manner in connection with the Service or the use, information and notices available through the Service. The Platform is not liable for any damages or other disadvantages that may be caused to the Investor or third parties by incorrect or insufficient user information or for any other reason, to the fullest extent by law.

    6.3 The Platform is not responsible for any losses arising from the use of the Service. The Investors agree to be solely responsible for any failure to comply with their obligations under this Agreement and for their consequences.

    6.4 The Platform does not express or imply warranties or representations about the operation of features of the Service, and the Platform does not promise that the Service will function without interruptions or errors. The Platform is not responsible for any damages to the Investor, or third parties caused by the use, malfunctions, technical defects or malicious software of the Service or third-party links or any other such causes.

    6.5 The Platform has a right to disable the Service or a part of it due to maintenance, installation, modification, public order and safety, system overload or other similar cause. The Platform may terminate (permanently or temporarily) the provision of the Service (or any part of them), either to the Investor or Investors generally, entirely at the Companies own discretion and without prior notice.

    6.6 The Service is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis without warranties of any kind including, without limitation, representations, warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, non-infringement, and those arising by statute or from a course of dealing or usage of trade.

    6.7 The Service may also enable you to view, access, communicate and interact with third party sources, meaning e.g., third party websites and services. We do not assume any responsibility for the content, actions or practices of, any such sources. Your interaction with such a source and your use of, and reliance upon, any content provided by such sources is at your sole discretion and risk.

    6.8 The Platform is not responsible for the content and uploaded materials of the Service or its correctness, except for the content and materials generated by the Platform. Furthermore, the Platform does not review or exercise editorial control in respect of the content or interactions, including their accuracy or suitability for purpose. Thereby, under any circumstances, the Platform is not responsible for e.g., information the Investors or the Companies disclose through the Service.

    6.9 The Platform has the right to remove materials and links (i) that have been denied or reported by the Platform in the Service, or (ii) which, according to the Platform is unlawful, contrary to good practice or this Agreement, inappropriate or erroneous, or (iii) harmful to the Platform, Investors or third parties. The Platform also has the right to remove materials and links from the Service if the materials or links contain any legally questionable or offensive information or content that is inappropriate for the Platform.

    6.10 The Service may derive anonymized data from the way the Investor uses the Service during the usage of some functionalities of this Platform (hereinafter “Anonymized Usage Data”). The Platform shall own all right, title and interest in and to all Anonymized Usage Data, and therefore, the Platform may freely use the Anonymized Usage Data for its own purposes.

    6.11. Certain functionalities and content on the Platform may be provided by other third parties. This Agreement covers exclusively Platform and the use thereof and any and all linked third party services and content are provided by the relevant third parties and covered by their terms of service or other agreement or licenses. Blue Berry Share does not assume any liability in regard to use of such third party services and content, whether or not they are referenced by or available on the Platform.

    6.14 You cannot transfer or assign this agreement. We may, however, transfer and assign this agreement and our rights hereunder (including intellectual property rights and licenses) to our affiliates or as part of a sale or transfer of our business or other corporate acquisition.

    6.15 The Platform has the right to use Investor’s name and Platform logo in its own marketing tastefully as part of a normal business conduct.

  • 7.1 To the fullest extent allowed by any applicable law, in no event will the Platform, its affiliates, business partners, licensors or service providers be liable to you or any third person for any direct or indirect, reliance, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages, including without limitation, loss of profits, loss of goodwill, loss of reputation, damages for loss, corruption or breaches of data or programs, service interruptions and procurement of substitute services, even if the Platform has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

    7.2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the Platform’s liability to you for any cause whatsoever, and regardless of the form of the action, will at all times be limited to the amount paid, if any, by you to the Platform for the Service within the one (1) month preceding the date of bringing a claim.

    7.3 To be noted, the Platform is not and shall not be construed as an investment advisor. Therefore, nothing in the Service shall constitute for investment advice or inducement.

  • 8.1 You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless us and our affiliates, and our respective officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses (including but not limited to attorney’s fees) arising from: (i) your use of, or inability to use, the Service; (ii) your violation of this Agreement; and (iii) your violation of any third party right, including without limitation any intellectual property rights or data protection right.

  • 9.1 Please see the Company’s Privacy Notice for more information on data protection.

  • 10.1 This Agreement enters into force once the Investor accepts this Agreement or uses the Service.

    10.2 This Agreement is valid for indefinitely. The Investor may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by email or through the Service. By terminating this Agreement, the Investor is not however exempt from the obligations the Investor has undertaken under this Agreement prior to the termination.

    10.3 Upon the termination of this Agreement, the Platform has the right to close the Investor’s Account and, if applicable, remove any material the Investor has posted through the Service. 

  • 11.1 This Agreement and the relationship between the Investor and the Platform shall be governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Finland without regard to its principles and rules on conflict of laws.

    11.2 In case of any possible dispute between the Investor and Company, such parties shall seek for a settlement directly through negotiations. The Platform shall not take a part to such disputes.

    11.3 Disputes arising from the Agreement shall primarily be settled through negotiations. Secondarily, Investor may seek to settle disputes arising from this Agreement at the District Court of Helsinki.

  • 12.1 You do not have the permission to surrender, transfer or sublicense this Agreement unless you obtain a prior written consent from the Platform. The Platform has the unilateral right to assign, transfer or delegate any or all of its rights and obligations under the Agreement.

    12.2 You agree that if the Platform does not exercise or enforce any legal rights under the Agreement (e.g., the right to compensation), it does not imply that the Platform formally waives its rights, and the Platform still has the right to exercise its rights.

    12.3 You agree that any cause of action that you may have arisen out of or related to this Agreement must commence within one (1) month after the cause of action accrues, otherwise such cause of action is permanently barred.

    12.4 If, by a court decision, any provision of this Agreement is declared void, then only that invalid provision will be removed from the Agreement, in which case the Agreement will continue to be valid.

    12.5 Sections 4-8, 10 and 11 shall prevail and stay in force even after the termination of the Agreement.