With Blue Berry Share you’ll never think about investor communications in the same way than before.
If you’re not utilizing digital in IR… you are missing out on opportunities.
Blue Berry Share is designed for investor communications. You are probably in the best place to calculate our potential market size. But the most important thing is that we’re in rapidly growing markets. If you would like to be part of our story, as a mentor or maybe an investor, please click the following link, and we’ll catch up.
Message from our Founder & CEO Mervi Pohjoisaho:
“I am humbled and happy to be in the place to develop digital services in the industry I love, which is investor relations of a publicly listed company (Yes, all kinds of freaks out there;) For many years, I struggled to get results in my work, and it felt that whatever I did, the share trading volumes lagged and company’s equity story did not get the attention it deserved. This is why I decided to do something about it - together with a team of superpowered professionals, I can’t wait to show you more about what we'll aim for with Blue Berry Share.”
Who are we?
Blue Berry Share helps companies to gain their results in the online world of IR, and get them concrete results and freedom.
We might be a freshly established company, however, we’ve got more than 20 years of expertise in demanding IR positions in publicly listed companies.
The positive movement for making capital markets transparent and accessible for all investors is here to stay.
Blue Berry Share - made by IR professionals.