Blue Berry Share‘s at Slush!

User experience has been on everyone’s lips for ages. Now it is high time to think about INVESTOR EXPERIENCE. How to manage investor experience of publicly listed companies? With passion. With cost-efficiency. With results.

Our software brain Jaakko Melamies and our founder Mervi Pohjoisaho presented us at Slush, meeting with investors, other stakeholders and colleagues - not to mention friends! It was a successful networking event, and with this energy and feedback, we’re ready to progress forward.

In today’s world, while the media landscape, investor community, and operating environment of companies are in constant change, there is now a need for a totally new kind of investor communications. And that is our second name. Blue Berry Share focuses on disrupting the way publicly listed companies and investors communicate digitally - in a new way, always aiming for tangible results for everyone, saving precious time and resources for everyone.
This year we will be on Slush, all over! Blue Berry is attending the event as a start-up, together with all the hottest start-ups in Finland. Or in Europe or elsewhere.

No, we are not about AI, metaverse, gaming business, smart cities… no hype industry of any kind. We are about driving the investor experience of publicly listed companies digitally.

Interested? Let’s discuss more. Slush takes place in Helsinki from November 29-December 1. The event’s website includes profiles of attending Companies.


Discover how digital investor relations can bring you efficiency gains - and save you precious time


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