The rise of retail investors..

On a dark Scandinavian morning of November 10, we held a webinar on the subject of private investors and digital IR. We delved into the increased role of private investors in the stock market, and what it means for listed companies' digital IR communication. Many thanks to all participants!

Here is a short summary of the topic.

The number of private investors has continued to grow steadily - here and around the world. It is estimated that the number of private investors has even doubled in Europe in a few years. It is estimated that 5-7% of stock trading in Europe is done by private investors (in the United States, estimates are as high as 20-32%). Up to 75% of some companies' trading can be done by private investors.

The EU published its "Retail Investor Strategy" promoting private investment and the related regulatory package in May of this year, and the updated package in October. The process is still ongoing. The goal of the strategy is to promote the growth of the number of private investors, increase investor protection (further) and strengthen confidence in the market.

In recent years, there have been a lot of investors coming to the stock market from digital channels, looking for investment targets on their own initiative, and are not in the radar of brokers or banks - let alone analysts or media. The AI ​​era is also entering the field of investor communications.

That is why there are new challenges in investor relations communication. Effective investor relations communication requires an approach that takes the investor into account in a new way.

New solutions are already here. Our company is developing a digital IR solution Blue Berry Share. We aim for a positive change to the current operating methods, the effectiveness of IR's work in the private investor target group, and results.

Investor communications professional, join our free webinars! You will get much more in-depth, compiled information than what has been told in this short summary - and hopefully also inspiration for the working day! (These webinars are aimed at professionals of listed companies, regrefully vendors & competitors…)

Join the Blue Berry Share newsletter distribution list (emails about once a month, and only to the point), and you'll conveniently receive invitations to the next webinars in your mailbox. You can join the mailing list HERE.

t. Mervi

P.S. Happy Friday and the upcoming weekend to you!



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Why digital investor communications?