Changing shareholder matrix calls for another kind of communication

In the same way many of us have become masters of our own health, diet, training programs, you name it – investors have become more and more masters of their own wealth, too.

However, as important as it is to say that investors are not a unified bunch, as fair is to say that more and more shareholders of listed companies are doing their own research. Particularly smaller and mid-sized investors are not merely counting on the analyses brokers and banks provide. Most importantly, retail shareholders have become more financially literate, many of them reading profit & loss accounts and balance sheets proficiently.

This, in turn, changes much.

Today, when listed companies communicate with their investors, more diverse communication is needed. The precision level needs to be greater because the audience is wider, and … today, even if we wished so, there are no “one-size-fits-all” communications in IR, either. We all know that.  

Before, analysts and media were the main audiences of investor communications, right? In today’s world, the changing shareholder matrix calls for another kind of communication.

Communications tailored to each shareholder group’s needs, but not just hammering people with financial data.

The time is right now for innovation. Also in IR.


Top 3 things to consider when doing IR in the digital world


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