Top 3 things to consider when doing IR in the digital world

How to run IR activities effortlessly, successfully, and impactfully in the digital world? We gathered some things for you to consider when formulating your digital IR strategy. 

#1 Time is the constraint…

When an investor follows hundreds of companies based in multiple countries, from multiple sources and materials, it is important to note that there is not that much time to allocate per one company. One sell-side analyst once said that he has around 2-3 hours per company to spend in a quarter. It's not that much, whether the estimate was realistic or not! How about this; consider an investor, who typically gets hundreds of emails and invitations from companies and brokers – per day. Yes, I said per day. Not to mention, to all of us, there is a limited time to surf around any webpages.

#2 Easy-to-digest messaging

How to stand out in the eyes of an investor in the digital world? One answer would be catering the message to your audience in a way that is easy to digest and fast to understand. It requires a little extra effort from IR departments; however, the impact can be huge. Why? Because the attention span of all of us has shortened. Some marketing research says that in social media the attention span can be as low as 9 seconds. 9 seconds! Meaning that you decide in nine seconds whether you watch the video or read the text or … move on to another piece of content.

#3 Creativity

Using creativity, for example in the forms of videos or short summaries, is valued. And did you know that IR Newsletters, which were popular in the early 2000s (for the information to the ones who were not in work-life back then😊), have made a comeback? It's easy to see the value of a summarized quarterly newsletter for a long-term investor, who wants to have the essential, quarterly – not daily – information from a company in a curated form. The more templated you can be, the better.

The world has become digital, IR must too.

But you must do it in the right way. Because... it's about IR.

Writer is Mervi Pohjoisaho, CXO, Blue Berry Share

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