IR Tech is becoming a puzzle you no longer can ignore

During the recent months there have been various digital IR services popping up like mushrooms on the markets.  

Wonder why? I guess one answer is that the markets for digital and modern investor communication have finally become visible. Both investors and IRO’s are eagerly exploring tech-savvy ways to do things in a new way.

Neither to mention the other drivers such as increased emphasis on transparency on the capital markets, nor the implications of Mifid II, Covid-19 or other changes currently ongoing in everyone’s operating environment.

Blue Berry Share, a newly developed IR Tech tool, is made for companies, who want to organize their IR activities efficiently and easily - and without the huge budgets.

I am humble and honored to be on this journey for building an easy-to-use IR Tech tool.

As we say, IR Tech is becoming a puzzle you no longer can ignore. The emphasis is on word "puzzle".

PS. Please go and check our newly published webpages at and join our emailing list to be among the first ones to hear about new developments in IR Tech!


Legal Tech … and now IR Tech!


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