Season’s Greetings!
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

Season’s Greetings!

The festive season is here. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and relaxing time with your family and friends.

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Blue Berry Share is at Slush in Helsinki on 17-18 November
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

Blue Berry Share is at Slush in Helsinki on 17-18 November

Blue Berry Share is attending as a Start-up at Slush, the leading growth-company event in the Nordics gathering a number of VC’s, business leaders and - also start-ups together. Originally, Slush was a start-up conference, with a program designed for them, however, the recent years have changed that. Nowadays, Slush is a conference typically for larger companies, which promote and invite their stakeholders also to the event.

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Legal Tech … and now IR Tech!
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

Legal Tech … and now IR Tech!

Teknologia ja digitaalisuus on muuttanut myös sijoittajasuhteiden alan toimintaympäristöä, eivätkä korona-aika, Mifid II ja muut muutokset ole ainakaan tätä kehitystä hidastaneet. Päinvastoin.

Lakiasiainpuolella LegalTech on ollut jo pitkään ilmiö – käsite tarkoittaa lyhyesti sanottuna sitä, miten jokin aiemmin perinteisellä tavalla hoidettu asia voidaan toteuttaa teknologisilla ratkaisuilla siten, että se tuo käyttäjälleen selkeitä hyötyjä, sujuvoittaa arkipäivää tai säästää aikaa ja rahaa. LegalTechiä käytetään jo yleisesti.

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IR Tech is becoming a puzzle you no longer can ignore
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

IR Tech is becoming a puzzle you no longer can ignore

During the recent months there have been various digital IR services popping up like mushrooms on the markets. Wonder why? I guess one answer is that the markets for digital and modern investor communication have finally become visible. Both investors and IRO’s are eagerly exploring tech-savvy ways to do things in a new way.

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Top 3 Trends in Engaging Investors in the modern world
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

Top 3 Trends in Engaging Investors in the modern world

How to stand out in the information overflow?
Virtual interaction has brought about new types of problems among investors, the main stakeholders of IRO’s. The information overflow is massive with all types of virtual webcasts, meetings and you-name-it. When was it? Where? Which link? Oo… missed it! It can be really frustrating.

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Direct reach – a threat or opportunity?
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

Direct reach – a threat or opportunity?

Lately, we have witnessed a considerable increase in the number of IR activities run by companies themselves. A strong change has been experienced in the last few years: 80% of IROs are now, after the pandemic, likely to reach out to investors directly. Investors have reacted positively: 79% are much more likely to respond to direct approaches from companies. (IR Magazine 2021)

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